Florida Hurricane Ian Relief Lawyer

A Category 4 hurricane hitting Florida on September 28, 2022, Hurricane Ian was the most destructive Florida storm in nearly a century.

If you suffered property damage, you could be eligible for insurance compensation — but you should act now and contact a Hurricane Ian relief lawyer as soon as possible.

At EC Law Counsel, we have been helping property owners with damage claims and insurance disputes for over a decade. We serve clients in Southeast and Southwest Florida. Call us at 954-861-0833 for a free consultation.

Are You Eligible for Compensation?

If you carry property or homeowner’s insurance, you may be able to make a claim for damages such as:

  • Flooding
  • Roof damage
  • Debris cleanup
  • Broken windows
  • Structural damage
  • Ceiling leaks
  • Loss of use or additional living expenses

The exact coverage and compensation amount will depend on your policy’s terms.

How To File for Property Damage After Hurricane Ian

  • Document your losses: Take photos or videos of all the damage once rescue efforts are over and before you start cleaning up. Write a list of all damaged belongings. Where possible, include their make, model, and serial number and attach receipts.
  • Take photos of your damage before you begin to make temporary repairs or clean up. 

Dealing with your insurance company can be difficult and overwhelming 

Unfortunately, insurers will do all they can to avoid a payout — even after a tropical storm as severe as Hurricane Ian. They may delay the process, offer a low settlement, or deny your claim outright, usually on the grounds that the damages or their causes are beyond the policy’s scope.

Explore Alternative Relief Options

The federal government issued a Major Disaster Declaration for Florida to supplement state and local recovery programs. Available relief includes FEMA Individual Assistance funding for:

  • Temporary housing
  • Repair or replacement of owner-occupied homes
  • Repair or replacement of vehicles and personal property
  • Moving and storage
  • Hazard mitigation assistance

To learn more, visit the official FEMA website or your nearest Disaster Recovery Center.

Call a Hurricane Ian Relief Lawyer

Dealing with insurers on your own can be difficult and overwhelming. But the worst part is that without representation, you risk ending up with less-than-optimal compensation — or none at all.

At EC Law Counsel, we know the insurance industry inside and out. Our attorneys have worked as adjusters, underwriters, and claims clerks. We know the tricks they use to avoid payouts after disaster situations.

Contact us today, and we will:

  • Review your policy
  • Determine your coverage
  • Evaluate your losses
  • Review any past audits and inspections
  • Assess any settlement offers from your insurer
  • Explain the claims process and your legal options 
  • Pursue the maximum compensation open to you 

Talk to a Florida Hurricane Ian Relief Lawyer Today

Call us at EC Law Counsel at 954-861-0833 to speak to an experienced disaster relief attorney in Southeast and Southwest Florida. Your first consultation is free.