Southeast and Southwest Florida Wind Damage Lawyer for Wind Damage Claims

When your home suffers severe damage after a major wind event, tropical storm, hurricane, or tornado, you may get a nasty shock when your insurance company denies your claim. Wind damage claims are common in Florida, and many residential and commercial property owners find that their insurance company won’t cover the structural damage.

At EC Law Counsel, PLLC., we help property owners fight denials on their wind damage claims in Southeast and Southwest Florida. Call today at 954-861-0833 to schedule a free consultation with a wind damage lawyer in Southeast and Southwest Florida.

Wind Damage Claims and Your Insurance Company

Every insurance company’s wind damage policy is different. Read your homeowner’s or business insurance policy thoroughly before hurricane season each year to ensure you follow the proper procedures to protect your home or business from structural damage before a storm.

Your insurance policy may require that you take certain steps to protect your home or business to be eligible for a claim, including:

  • Boarding up windows
  • Clearing your gutters
  • Removing loose objects from around your home or business that could become projectiles
  • Placing a tarp over any damage immediately after a storm

Make sure you document your preparations before a storm by taking pictures of your yard, boarded windows, building exterior, roof, and any threats to your home, like nearby trees or potential projectiles in your neighbor’s yard. Also, document any damage to your home or business immediately after the storm before placing tarps or other temporary fixes.

Wind and Water Damage Due To Storms

Many Floridians file claims for hail, flooding, and wind damage after hurricanes. An experienced wind damage lawyer can help you determine how best to file or appeal your claim for wind damage after a storm.

Homeowners may carry a high deductible for claims after a hurricane. If you have $500,000 in coverage with an 8% hurricane deductible, you could be responsible for $40,000 before your insurance company pays anything toward repairing your home or business.  Make sure to have an expert assess your damage to determine the value of your loss.  

Find a Wind Damage Lawyer if Your Insurance Company Denies Your Claim

If a tree falls on your home during a thunderstorm with high winds and flooding, your insurance company might try to say you don’t have flood insurance to cover the water damage. However, you wouldn’t have water damage if the wind hadn’t knocked the tree over.

An experienced wind damage lawyer can help you seek coverage for:

  • Repair costs to your property
  • Repair or replacement costs for vehicles or boats
  • Personal property replacement
  • Costs of other living arrangements or loss of business income

Contact EC Law Counsel, PLLC., for Wind Damage Claims in Southeast and Southwest Florida

With over a decade of experience helping our clients in Southeast and Southwest Florida with wind damage claims, at EC Law Counsel, PLLC., we’re ready to help you fight your insurance company for coverage. Call us at 954-861-0833 today to schedule your free consultation with a wind damage lawyer in Southeast and Southwest Florida.